Saturday, May 17, 2008

The new house in germany

I know this posting will be hard for my best friend here in Attleboro (Hi Jen!), but i thought to post some pictures about our new house in Germany. My father was driving by the other day and i asked him to take some pictures. I need to make myself and my family virtually comfortable and want to imagine how we live there.

Its a small town northern from Frankfurt. Just 3000 people live there, very cosy. It has a bakery, a butcher, a little grocery market, an elementary school and, this is very important, a soccer club :) . The street where we live has other family homes, so Philip will have many friends to play with. The school where he goes is just across the street. Unfortunately Nicky's ride to his school in Wetzlar is at least half an hour.

We live in middle of nowhere, the end of our street ends in the fields and the forest. I imagine myself running there every morning (Yes Paul!) and hopefully convince my husband to do the running with me.

I haven't seen the house, Wolfgang visited in march and i think he did a fine job to find the right house for us.

Well, see for yourself. Nobody lives there right now, which means nobody mows the lawn :)


Veganmama said...

I thought I was your best friend? Or am I your best friend in Norton and Jen is your best friend in Attleboro? Ha, ha :)

angie s. said...


It looks real nice. Now I can visulalize it all. I think it's great that all the houses aren't right on top of each other..especially for your poor neighbors living next to you loud partiers!!!!

XO's Angie