If it comes to gardening you can face the evil and the mean bug in every shape and color. And within a blink, your flowers and shrubs are only half their size and the beauty for this flowering season is gone.
I always got very angry as soon as i saw bugs sucking on my beautiful roses and i killed them in an instant with very aggressive bug killer. Yeah, get this, bug!
Not so this year and never again. Just imagine the stuff you breath in while you are happily spraying. Ever wondered why people get more and more allergies? There lies the answer.
Well anyway, yesterday, while i was strolling through my lovely garden, here they where: Green mean bug on my huge rose bush, red ones on my black eyes Susan's, white ones on my annuals. I got angry...and decided, that poison is not the answer for us any longer. I went in my kitchen and after an hour of cooking garlic i started spraying . Get that, stinky bug!
The recipe is easy, just chop a dozen garlic gloves, cook them, strain and pour in a sprayer.
Another one (and very effective): Put a cup of chili peppers such as jalapenos in a blender or food processor Add four cups of water, and puree the mixture. Then strain the stuff and pour it into a sprayer. You've got a non selective spray, so use it to target only the harmful insects. Be extremely careful to not get this spray in your eyes or even on your skin. 
Another thing you could do is hand picking, like with Japanese Beetles. For the last 7 years we have the same fight. They can chop your garden down in no time. There are traps available and in some gardens, if the wind is right, they might work. Didn't do it for us, unfortunately. Because i am going through my garden every day, i know every leave that grew that day, i just pick them by hand. Just put on some rubber gloves and have fun attacking them :) . It works for us very good, our Hibiscus are still in full Bloom by the end of the summer!
Happy bug hunt!
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