Hi everybody! We are still alive. Life just cought up with us and we trying to catch a breath here and there. A lot has happend in the last three weeks and i want to put it together here. First of all a few pictures from Mr. "Noodle" Nicky beeing the partyboy of the day while his school celebratet its 40th birthd
ay. Nicky had so much fun dancing with his much bigger friend Lars. 

On a different note: I applied for a fulltime-job at a big hightech company, just 20 minutes from here. And i got the job, i am so excited! Its in their export departement, where i am responsible for China, Middle East and India. I fitted the profile exactly, especially my english was in my favour :o). If you want to check them out: http://www.rittal.com/.
I am starting november 1st and till then i have to do tons of work to get this family ready for this step. We are in the search of a nanny right now, but probably have to cover for a few weeks with babysitter and family. Keep your fingers crossed that we find soon somebody who fits to our family. If you know somebody, let me know.
We are going on vacation next saturday. We will go to the Northsea and the Frisian Islands, just five hours north from here. Its going to be cold and unfriendly, but we will be there in our winter gear and enjoying the fresh air. We will make long bike rides, going on a carriage ride along the shore, where usally is water, they call it the "watt". We also plan to visit one of the islands and some more things. We will stay at an old Windmill with vacation homes.
We are all looking forward to this break after a hektik year. I will post pictures when we'll be back.
Love - The Gebhardts
Nicky is so handsome. I love his little face!
I love these photos! Nicky loved dancing more than any student in our school!
Best wishes for you in your new job- This is exciting!
I also hope that your vacation is great!
I will be in touch soon.
I am doing the Autism Walk next week and will send you the photos:)
Love, Fran
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