All moms with kids on the spectrum come to the point where they see no light on the end of the tunnel. Hope is gone and you sit in the corner and cry your eyes out. Everything seems so impossible to do. You hope to get your child better all year long and here you are again: The end! And yet - NO!
After all, he is your child, you love him, he is a tough boy and he has his will. It's almost impossible to get through to him, but when you do, you know it was all worth it. The smirkes he gives you instead of saying, "I love you". The face he has when he knows he is in trouble and you can not longer be mad with him and instead you squeeze him tight and pray that some miracle will happen soon.
Days are hard most of the time, it is also hard on your marriage and the siblings too. But you pull it together, b/c you know you get the sunshine days too.
To all moms (and dads too) out there who fight this horror every day, i know how you feel. You do a great job and keep going.
To a miracle year 2010. It's going to be our year and i will fight every minute for it.
Love to you all!