Lately there have been a lot of people asking my opinion on the swine flu vaccination. Most of you know my standing on this controversy. It's a straigt NO. There are different reasons:
- One: I have a child who got probably autism by day one when he received his Hep.B. shot at the hospital
- Two: This swine flu vaccination has not been testet long enough in my opinion, if you read about cervical cancer vaccination there has been some discussion lately.
- Three( And this is the most important part of it!): Both companies who produce the serum for swine flu vaccination add a preservative called Thimerosal . Most of you never heared from it, but every mother with a child on the autism spectrum is at war with this preservative. It's simple said mercury.
Side effects of this vaccination are rarely known, b/c it's so new, no clinical studies have been made!
So see youself as a ginnie pig when you go get your shot. Your doctor will probably ask you to call in if you feel any side effects accouring. YOU are the STUDY!
Writing this makes me really mad, and i know how hard it is to watch the news in the United States and don't get sucked into the hype about vaccinations.
Think about it and decide wisly. Have a healty flu season!
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