Just a short post about cleaning. When you think you clean and desinfect remember following:
The active ingredient in most antibacterial products TRICLOSAN not only kills bacteria it also has been shown to kill human cells.
Lysol and other products that makes you feel safe about bacteria are really not good, especially not on your kitchen counters, tables and childrens toys.
Also the use of bleach. Already the smell makes me pass out (always a good sign from your body something is not right!). There is no bleach available in europe, b/c of health issues!
Next time try all natural remendies like Vinegar (kills germs, bacteria and is GREAT on mold) and Lemon juice.
Here in europe most people clean now with vinegar. You can find 100s of cleaners just made our of simple soap and vinegar. It also smells great.
Happy spring cleaning.