This is a short update on the teeth grinding (see the post from last week!): Since monday morning we supplement with zinc again. I didn't expect to see a change so fast but by yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon i saw much less teeth grinding with Nicky. So i guess it worked, hurray!
For the last week Nicky does this very bad teeth grinding. You know the kind where you get the goose bumps and you just have to cover your ears because he makes this grinding sound. So i wonder where it comes from out of the sudden. I know that something is going on with him when his behavior changes like that. We have tippy toe walking when there is yeast overgrowth. We have magnesium missing when he eats paper and every book. We have eye rolling, itchy skin and hand flapping also for yeast overgrowth. I know my Nicky buddy, after four hears on diets and biomedical treatments I can tell right away. It's like a switch you can turn on and off.
We had to get him off zinc b/c the brand we used (Kirkman, yes the moms with kids on the spectrum all know :)) had too high amounts of antimony in it. Within two days off zinc he started the grinding and i had to wonder if his zinclevels are really so low that he reacts like that.
So I ordered another brand i got recommended by my fantastic Yahoo Group in the UK (thanks ladies), it came in today. I have to wait another two days to find out if the zinc is getting rid of the grinding. Wait b/c on weekends we do heavy metal chelation and you don't give good metals during rounds.
But I just know him, he will be fine by mid of next week.