Friday, June 6, 2008

Wash in Cold Water

June 5Th was World Environment Day and here is a great tip from a new website i just found: Its and they just have the best stuff you can do around the house, garden, beauty, food and so on to safe on energy and safe the planet.
Here is my tip for you next trip to the washing machine: Turn the heat down to cold-cold. Switching to cold water can save you upwards of $100 a year in reduced energy costs! In situations where hot water is necessary, for example, to kill dust mites in bedding or to clean heavily soiled items, use cold water in the rinse cycle.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lance squeeze over - here comes Philip

Jeah, you better be careful Lance, here comes the "Tour the france" winner 2020! Philip is riding his Bike without trainingwheels. We just took them off this saturday and off he went. No holding on to Mama, no fear. He just went off, we are very proud, but it makes you also sad. He grows up :(