Thursday, August 20, 2009

The smell of hay

This is a great summer, at least august is hot and feels like summer. Since the warm and hot days started, the farmers are out on the fields to get the harvest in as long as it isn't raining.
So for the last two weeks you see tractors everywhere, they get the wheat crop in and leave the hay on the fields. Later they make big balls of straw to keep it for their animals.
They also harvest the grassfields and dry the grass to hay. And this is where my sensitive nose comes in.
I love the smell of harvest, of hay, the busy farmers. It reminds me of my childhood and that we played all summer outside.
Here in germany, farmland is between villages and citys, cows and horses are everywhere. It's beautyful for me. Seeing my children growing up in this peaceful landscape, where field meets forest and forest meets village is a very good thing for them. It makes you appreciate the simple things in life, it shows you how beautyful the world can smell if you just open your nose :) Train your senses and taste the world.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Light on the end of the tunnel

The last months where hard on our family. A lot happened i don't want to explain here, but i think it was the hardest we ever experienced except finding out about nickys dx of autism.
Well since i am a positive person i always knew, the rocky way will have an end.
Wolfgang will start a new and exciting job september 1st in basel, switzerland. That means we will move within the nex half year.
Schools in switzerland are much better for Nicky then the one in germany. They offer includet therapies, sometimes even ABA. We have to find that perfect school.
Since switzerland has french, german, italian and english as languages, this will be the perfect opportunity for Philip to eather go to a german-english school or learn frech. Holy cow, i guess i have to learn with him!
This is exciting, i love to move. But i fear Philip beeing so sad of leaving his friends, especially Kim, his little cute girlfriend. I will miss our friends Andrea and Jens, they grew so close to our hearts. But i know we will find friends and we will just have a big circle of friends around the globe!

Everything is happening for a reason, and since we where never really happy with nickys school and Philip's daycare i see that as the reason. There is more to offer for our kids!
I keep you updated.