Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cranio-sacral therapy

OK, this has been too long since i posted. I started a job, nothing special, just job lease, but it has been very busy here. I am leaving early in the morning and getting grocery-shopping done during my break. Then i rush home at 4 and get to play with the boys and the day is done. It's crazy but its probably only till end of June. We will see.
Anyway, I wanted to post about Nick's new therapy. We are seeing a Homeopathic Therapist for the last four weeks. After knowing Nicky's history he started him with cranio-sacral therapy. This special therapy he is using is called Bow tech (no it's not the fitness gear!). It's specific pressure points on his muscles the therapist massages to straighten the body and makes the body stronger. We where very sceptical (like you are right now, aren't you?). But we wanted to give it a try. Especially i had a look into homeopathy itself and i just wanted to try different things.
So we went one time, twice, three times.....and......Nicky started to make new sounds, he is pointing at things he wants, he is very aware and reacts right away on any commandos. Yesterday, for example, he helped me to set up the table, he put the place mats on the table and the utensils.
Today he came to the kitchen, opened the fridge and made the sign for drink. OK, he can do that for years. But today he pointed to the water pitcher. I asked him if he wants some apple juice with the water; he shook his head. WOW, this is huge. We had a CONVERSATION.
So we will go on with that therapy and i will keep you posted.
Sorry for not doing so many postings right now. I always have a lot in my mind to write here, but i do not have the time right now. Keep checking back.
love - me