Just a short post. We had a great weekend, Nicky was happy and calm. We where very busy and spend Saturday and Sunday all day outside. On Saturday we first went on a walk to the beautiful spring-forest, afterward the kids got their horseback-riding-lessons. Nicky loves this part of Saturdays most. No matter how terrible his mood was before, as soon as he sits on the back of a horse he smiles and enjoys the breeze that goes on up there :)
Saturday afternoon Wolfgang and me tried to get some stuff in the garden done while the boys where riding there bikes. It was too funny, while Philip was trying to draw with chalk on the street, Nicky tried to ride his bike over it. He even got of his bike and tried to hopscotch :O) On the on of the day our ice cream-truck comes and delivers some homemade ice cream for all of us. We had late supper with stuff from our grill (yummy!).
So yesterday, after the boys slept very long, we decided to take them with the bike trailers on that beautiful bike trail that starts in our city. Its all flat and goes through beautiful landscape. Nicky enjoys sitting in the trailer.
We brought stuff for a picnic and found a nice place in a meadow full with bright yellow dandelions.
We brought stuff for a picnic and found a nice place in a meadow full with bright yellow dandelions.
After that break we went back home, but wanted to make a quick stop at a local hotel here. The hotel is directly on the lake and has a beautiful outside eating area with a playground for the kids.
When we arrived there we saw my new friend with her daughter and husband. The daughter Kim is also Philips best friend, so the both where happy seeing each other and off they went to the playground. Nicky enjoyed a snack and then he was also on the playing equipment. So whats a parent to do when the kids finally offer some time: Sit, chat, have a beer, coffee or whatever. We stayed for three hours and had just such a good time.
When we finally arrived home, we both knew, this was a very special, happy weekend. And even Philip came over to me and said 'Mama, this was a very good day" . Sweety-pie.
Have a great week.